Compiling Av1an

You can natively build Av1an on Linux and Windows. Cross-compilation is not supported.

Compiling on Linux

To compile Av1an from source, you need the following dependencies:

On Arch Linux, you can install these dependencies by running

pacman -S --needed rust nasm clang ffmpeg vapoursynth

Installation instructions on other distros will vary.

After installing the dependencies, you need to clone the repository and start the build process:

git clone && cd Av1an
cargo build --release

The resulting binary will be the file ./target/release/av1an.

Compiling on Windows

If you just want a current build of Av1an that is newer than the last official release, you can find a pre-built binary of the current master branch at

If you want to build the binary yourself, you will need the following dependencies:

Extract the file ffmpeg-5.0.1-full_build-shared.7z to a directory, then create a new environment variable called FFMPEG_DIR (this can be done with with the "Edit environment variables for your account" function available in the control panel), and set it to the directory that you extracted the original file to (for example, set it to C:\Users\Username\Downloads\ffmpeg-5.0.1-full_build-shared).

Then, either clone the repository by running

git clone

Or download and extract the source code manually.

Open a command prompt or PowerShell window inside the cloned repository/extracted ZIP folder and run the command cargo build --release. If this command executes successfully with no errors, av1an.exe will be in the folder target\release.

To use av1an.exe, copy all the .dll files from ffmpeg-5.0.1-full_build-shared\bin to the same directory as av1an.exe, and ensure that ffmpeg.exe is in a folder accessible via the PATH environment variable.